Filter articles by:AllIndiaMauritiusMaldivesSustainable travelFamilyDestination guidesFood and drinkPhoto storyHotelsSustainability
Filter articles by:AllIndiaMauritiusMaldivesSustainable travelFamilyDestination guidesFood and drinkPhoto storyHotelsSustainability
Hotel conservation in the MaldivesA host of luxury resorts in the Maldives are protecting the islands' ecosystems with plastic detecting drones, floating solar panels and moreWhy the Maldives is the perfect solo escapeHow the Maldives has evolved from its ‘couples-only’ reputation to become the perfect escape for solo travellers
Hotel conservation in the MaldivesA host of luxury resorts in the Maldives are protecting the islands' ecosystems with plastic detecting drones, floating solar panels and moreWhy the Maldives is the perfect solo escapeHow the Maldives has evolved from its ‘couples-only’ reputation to become the perfect escape for solo travellers